
Polished Green Aventurine Healing Crystals

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Perfectly polished Green Aventurine Crystals. These polished tumble stone crystals are not only aesthetically beautiful but are excellent to keep around the house, on a shelf, or even carry with you to help you harness their benefits! 

These crystals are approximately 2cm by 2cm in size although they all differ slightly due to the varying nature of crystals. 

Physical Green Aventurine Healing Properties

Green Aventurine is particularly supportive of the heart, and is excellent for those with cardiac conditions, circulatory problems, or recovering from surgery or illness. It stimulates life-giving energy throughout the body and engenders activity and movement while assisting in physical regeneration. It may give an added boost in efforts to lower cholesterol and in preventing arteriosclerosis and heart attack.

Green Aventurine is also thought to benefit fertility and genito-urinary problems; eyesight, especially far-sightedness and astigmatism; dyslexia, dyspraxia, and cerebral palsy. It assists in healing the adrenals, lungs, thymus gland, and nervous system.

Green Aventurine increases the power of homeopathic remedies. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, easing skin eruptions, such as acne, eczema, and rosacea, and soothes allergies and migraine headaches.

Emotional Green Aventurine Healing Properties

Green Aventurine’s soothing energy balances the emotional body, guiding one toward inner harmony. It calms nervousness, anger, and irritation, and helps dissolve the everyday stress of a hectic lifestyle. It quiets roving thoughts and enhances sleep while providing a gentle grounding effect on one’s vibrational field. It releases the notion that every event must be analysed.

Green Aventurine also soothes emotional wounds, allowing one to recognize the issues behind illness or imbalance, depression or defeat, and to facilitate the release of unhealthy relationships, patterns, and heartache. It encourages one to view hardships in life as impermanent, as an opportunity for growth in a new direction, and for taking all things in stride.

It inspires a feeling of lightness, even humour, which can then stimulate a renewed sense of optimism, joy, and hope. It is a reaffirming stone, especially during times of change or upheaval, and can be the emotional anchor one needs to remain stable and firmly grounded.

Chakra Balancing Green Aventurine Healing Properties

Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer. It is used to clear and activate the Heart Chakra for general well-being and emotional calm.

It is also a powerful protector of the Heart Chakra, providing a shield to block entry from those who would "tap in" and use the energy of another.

The Heart Chakra is located near the centre of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. When the Heart Chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. 


Polished Green Aventurine Healing Crystals

Regular price £1.50
Regular price £3.00 Sale price £1.50
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