
Crystal Bag Polished Unakite Jasper

Regular price £5.00
Regular price £10.00 Sale price £5.00
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Beautifully polished Unakite Crystals in a bag. These are not only aesthetically beautiful but amazing to keep around the house, on a shelf, in a bowl or anywhere you choose to properly harness their healing effects! 

These crystals are approximately 2-5mm in size although they all vary slightly due to their raw nature. 

Unakite Jasper Physical Healing Energy

Unakite Jasper helps promote the growth of healthy tissue in general and is particularly useful in support of the heart and lungs, assisting function, circulation, balance of bodily fluids and metabolism. It is also considered highly restorative in cases of tissue deterioration and in treating diseases or cancers of these areas. 

Unakite Jasper aids the reproductive system, promoting healthy pregnancy and stimulating weight gain where required. It is believed to be good for breathing irregularities and hyperventilation, and helps ease the transition in labour. 

Unakite Jasper Emotional Healing Energy

Like other Jaspers, Unakite attunes to the earth and provides a slow, steady source of energy for healing and renewal. It not only supports the physical structure of the heart, but gently gets to the root cause of disease or health issues caused by the emotional heart, particularly deep-seated feelings that have been repressed, such as anger and resentment. Habitual internalization of these emotions creates standing patterns of energy within the body. Unakite brings these wounds to the surface in a way that avoids any new trauma and ameliorates their release slowly and gently, consistently over time, along with the negative thoughts and toxic behaviours that perpetuate them. Healing the wounded self and learning to navigate challenging situations with consciousness and ease allows one to enjoy healthy relationships through balanced emotions. 

Unakite Jasper Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Unakite Jasper is associated with the Heart Chakra, located near the centre of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the Heart Chakra is out of balance we may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. We may find ourselves having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green and pink crystal energies are used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly.  We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.


Crystal Bag Polished Unakite Jasper

Regular price £5.00
Regular price £10.00 Sale price £5.00
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